President’s Message
News from the Board:
It’s amazing how quickly the year passes; we have only one more meeting before we take our summer hiatus. Our May meeting will be busy with the annual general membership meeting (voting in board members; voting for bylaws changes); presentation of our student scholarship award winner and critique of member’s artwork. please bring one of your paintings for this critique.
The board will be meeting in June to transition positions and discuss moving forward. Many plans for next year are already in place; check the website for more information. Programs, workshops and at least one exhbition are already scheduled.
We will be discussing other ways in which we can reach out and make ourselves visible to the community.
I wish to thank all the Board Members, Committee Chairs and myriad of other volunteers for their contributions to making this year so successful. Some of these members are very visible, other members are not so visible, but without all those actions, our organization would not run smoothly. I also want to thank the Nominating Committee for procuring Board Members and Committee Chairs for next year.
I am proud to serve as your President for another year. I have learned so much about our organization and so many members have helped me along the way. Thank you!
Ruth Philliben