Whether you are an artist or an art appreciator (or both), you are invited to participate in a variety of art activities and opportunities offered by the Arizona Watercolor Association.
The many benefits of being an Arizona Watercolor Association member

Variety of Exhibition venues
Members have the exclusive opportunity to submit their work in Spring and Fall juried exhibitions. Jurying is done by varied, highly respected artist for each Exhibition. Awards and monetary prizes are awarded by the juror and presented at the opening reception for the Exhibition. This opportunity allows members to present their work to the public on a regular basis.
AWA has exhibited member shows in a variety of locations including Burton Barr Library, ASU Gammage Theatre and Scottsdale Artists School, to name just a few.
Artist demonstrations & monthly meetings
Demonstrations by well-known artists (usually workshop instructors) are featured at AWA monthly member meetings. These meetings give members a way to keep in touch with painting methodologies, current activities and one another.

Workshops are offered by well known AWA members and internationally known painting instructors who feature the latest trends and classic techniques in water media. Workshops are conveniently held at the Arizona Artists Guild. Members receive discounted rates for these workshops (see Workshops for current details).

The Western Federation Show
AWA members are eligible to submit entries to the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies Exhibition, made up of eleven major art organizations in the Western states, including AWA, and held annually at different Western Federation member organizations.
AWA publishes a monthly newsletter to keep our members aware of developing opportunities and information.

Volunteer Opportunities
Because we are an all-volunteer organization, AWA needs participation from its members. There are many areas to use your particular expertise, exercise your special interests and help benefit AWA.
Membership Details
AWA membership dues are just $50 per year. An individual membership in The Arizona Watercolor Association is a remarkable bargain, as can be seen by the above opportunities. Join AWA today!
Supporting AWA
We rely on our members to help sustain and expand our mission. Members provide all of the organizing, planning and work involved in providing our organization with the many beneficial opportunities offered above. Membership participation / volunteering is an essential aspect of sustaining AWA.