April 2018 News

President’s Message

“The Good Samaritan” etching by Rembrandt is a black and white composition depicting the good Samaritan standing at the arched stone entrance to a building, talking with the inn keeper.  At the bottom right corner of the 1663 version of this piece is a dog, squatting and dumping his ‘business’ on the ground!  It is well known that Rembrandt had a mischievous sense of humor and introduced it into much of his artwork!

Like Rembrandt, we do best what we are passionate about, and that is certainly true for Sherry Kimmel.  I just attended her water media collage workshop and it is evident that her enthusiasm shows in her wonderful collage paintings.  Whatever sparks our creativity is certainly worth our best efforts.

AWA is fortunate to have so many talented artists who are willing to share their skills with members, whether through teaching workshops or volunteering to help keep our organization viable.  We still have a few positions that remain unfilled, so think about helping out in one of these positions; we need help with the Newsletter Publication and with the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies representative.  Contact Jeremy Jones if you are interested in one of these.

May is our annual member business meeting during which we will be having our election of officers and voting on proposed bylaws changes.  The bylaws changes will be sent via email to members a month before the May meeting.  Please read these carefully so you can be an informed voter at the meeting.


  • Keep informed with our activities through our website: https://azwatercolor.com/
  • Pay your dues: if you pay at one of our next meetings, you will receive a free raffle ticket for our monthly scholarship drawing!  If you pay after the end of May, you will incur a late fee.

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”  – Andy Warhol

Ruth Philliben, President