AWA is always in need of members who want to make a difference. From time to time we have specific needs for volunteers that develop as demand increases for a given service or due to other circumstances. When such needs occur they will be posted here. Please take a look at our current open positions and their respective roles for more information.
Please contact PresidentAzWatercolor@gmail.com if you are a member who would like to volunteer.
Mary Valesano – Love Poems Best of Show
Current Needs
The position of treasurer for the Arizona Watercolor Association allows the individual in this position to have a clear view of the entire organization, its activities, its membership, website, financial stability and support the other members of the Board in their efforts to provide guidance, education and entertainment for our watercolor artists in Arizona!
Qualifications: Someone who has retired from a bookkeeping or accounting role, has their own studio business, art sales, or etc. and keeps records on Quickbooks would be ideal. At a minimum, the person must understand basic accounting principles of income, expenses, off-setting transactions, and be able to read and understand a balance sheet and income statement. We use a cash accounting system which is the simplest.
Primary responsibilities include:
- Monthly download of bank account transactions into Quickbooks Online, and doing a monthly reconciliation of those transactions against checks written, deposits made, auto transactions for monthly expenses, and ensuring our merchant account statement from the website is reconciled with our various activities (Membership, Juror Workshops, Member Workshops, and Exhibitions) in Membership Works.
- Providing monthly financial reports to the Board of Directors for AWA
- Coordinating the various administrative and program inputs for the annual budget planning prior to the November general meeting of the membership to approve the budget
- Assisting other chairs – if asked – to work to ensure all activities of the organization are at least “breakeven” or income producing.
- Making cash deposits from raffles, book sales, etc. after monthly member meetings
- Verifying that expenditures of the organization are in the context of delivering programs, and providing benefits to all AWA Members.
Annual or singular tasks include:
- Working with the President to ensure the AZ Commission filing is completed
- Paying for the AWA P.O. Box and checking it at least monthly for the organization.
- Working with the CPA who files tax returns for our organization to ensure they are completed on a timely basis
- Working with a local bookkeeper, as needed, to ensure bookkeeping integrity in QB.
- Ensuring payment and current location data for coverage in our liability insurance policy with The Hartford.
- Working with the President to ensure an audit committee is assembled and completes a transactional audit with the CPA for AWA.
The President-Elect follows the job as President when the current Presidents’ term is
completed. In the absence of the President, the President-elect follows the agenda and meeting guidelines. The President-Elect attends the board meetings and art exhibitions when possible and helps welcome members at the meetings.